24 August 2024

I need someplace to vent. Pardon me, because this gets childish.

First off, I probably way misread S. There’s a small possibility I did not misread him, but I very much doubt it. He’s been very… polite and yes, HE IS CANADIAN and apparently they do that, but.

Secondly, one of my other Facebook friends is here, and I’ll call her M, a woman with a long-distance boyfriend she’s basically freely admitted to using for his money. And. She has been ALL THE FUCK OVER S since the morning after he got here. I can see what she’s doing from ten fucking miles away. And… He’s actually chatting with her.

So that was fucking pointless.

She’s not even a good person, and I can tell. I just can. It’s not even jealousy. Maybe I should say not a healthy person. First day I chatted with her she offered to lend me money to buy a bicycle. Are you fucking kidding me. And generally she seems more interested in charming people than in actually connecting. The macking on S when SHE ALREADY HAS A MAN makes her already apparent Issues fucking galling.

And if she thinks S is loaded she is in for a rude fucking awakening. He has some income, but all this gender shit has absolutely destroyed his academic career.

There are more important things in the world than Having A Man. I know. I’m shit at Having A Man even when I do have one. I’m just so fucking tired of people taking things away from me when I already don’t have squat.

Okay. Fucking wah. I vented. Let me get my nose out of my phone and stop being rude.