22 August 2024

Holy fucking Christ, this week.

Okay. So. Uh. Today’s Thursday. We did the meat haul on Tuesday, one day late. Right. So. Yesterday I had four items’ worth of scutwork and in a normal week, I’d have done two yesterday and two today. Because people were supposed to be arriving today by 3pm, I went ahead and did all four items. So that’s all done for the week. Bonus: Neighbor paid me on time! I hardly know what to do with myself. Wow.

Sorry, that was bitchy. I honestly believe that at least on that count, he means well. I don’t know anything about anything else to do with him. I am agnostic in that department.

But! People did not arrive at 3pm. They arrived well late, actually. I want to say about 8-ish? I was a bit of a wreck. Was quite excited about meeting S finally. It wouldn’t have been quite so bad had they not taken FOREVER to get down the driveway when they finally arrived. I know they were putting things in the barn (I don’t know why L calls it a barn; it looks like a fucking house), and possibly they had put up S’s tent (why on earth are we making him sleep in the rain, tent or not? I suppose at least that might not be the case for the rest of the weekend?), but I also had to listen to Parker barking the whole time. And I mean PROPER barking. She made the stovepipe for the wood stove RATTLE all the way across the ROOM from where she was barking — okay, not a large room, but that just made it WORSE. Because I was in the line of fire too. I had to go upstairs until the guests got to the house because it was bothering my ear so much.

S was first to make the porch and to come indoors after we had had a proper dog exchange to minimize complications (Duke is extra-barky with new people normally — I stood out when I first got here because he barked maybe once and then took right to me). It almost looked like S was really looking forward to meeting me. He even offered a handshake, which I accepted (this man has wonderfully large hands; I’d have been disappointed had he not offered), and which (here I am being bitchy again) was more than Neighbor offered when he and I first met.

Had a moment when we were settling into the living room that I caught him looking at me, and then when L led the women who came with him out to Neighbor’s old house (the house Neighbor currently lives in was his mother’s — they shared a property), S and I had a proper conversation. Wandered a bit from topic to topic, realized he may actually be scared of dogs (he held it together rather well, poor guy), learned more about his family, told him a bit about mine, and hither and yon and blah blah blah. It was great.

We’re not jumping right into Event Things tomorrow until mid-afternoon, so hopefully I get more talk time.

Yep. So far, I really like S. Hope I was right and Neighbor’s with L and not at all interested or Neighbor’s gonna run out of time. Pass the popcorn.

(No, I’m not after making Neighbor jealous. Just, if that’s what ends up happening, he’s got no one to blame but himself for it. No, I’d be quite pleased if it turns out I’m not wrong about S and he really is a decent guy. I have done much, much worse, y’know?)