19 August 2024

I’m a little vague on when things have happened but… I think yesterday was when I had my busy day. Went to Walmart, came back, was settling in and had just spilled my Sprite Zero because I forgot how volatile Coca-Cola Company drinks are and I’d thought since I’d already opened it that I was safe… nah. When suddenly I get a message from Neighbor that he wants to go to the dump after all. Well, okay. So between the Walmart trip and the walking to his place I ended up putting in more than six miles’ worth of walking. Then was helping him lug shit around and throw shit around (not literal shit)… and while he did drive me back to L’s place, I still wasn’t done. Cleaned the bathroom and did the daily sweeping. I was tired. Earned it though.

(He drove to the dump again. I’ve given up trying to figure out what that’s about.)

Gut pain still coming and going and my dumb ass forgot the yogurt. Sigh. The pain’s gone right now but I had it this morning, along with an attempted migraine. Am now working on caffeine withdrawal, so I’m expecting a few more of those before it’s all said and done.

Anyway. Yesterday. So he drove me back here and then he stayed around a while. He and L have educated me on Kiwi Farms and that while yeah it’s a cesspool of Aspies (they call themselves “spergs” now, apparently), they learn more about news events having access to it than they would otherwise, so I might start an account there at some point. We’ll see. But while Neighbor was here, he ran across a photo of some stupid troon looking stupid in stereotypical porny shit and he turned his laptop to show her and goes, “Would you still love me if I dressed like this?”

So now I’m wondering what he meant by that. Are they actually a couple (they are SO a couple) or is he joking about the love thing too or does he mean “as a bestest friend” when he says “love”? AAAAARGH

I didn’t say anything. He showed me the pic and I made the appropriate faces. Probably should have joked, “Nah, I think my love switch would shut right off,” just to see their reaction. Am very glad I didn’t think of it ’til just now.

Oh yeah, and I did two loads of laundry. My own — L will probably never ask me to do hers AND IT IS JUST AS WELL. I do hit some household linens when I need to, but not a big deal.

Like I said. Busy day. And yeah, that was yesterday, now I think about it. How sad is that. It’s all a blur, man.

Today’s been boring. Scuttlebutt is that we may not be seeing a meat run until Wednesday night. Since I haven’t heard from Neighbor all day (he liked a couple things I posted to the funny group on Facebook, but that’s been it), I’m guessing that’s very likely. It is possible he’d let me know if it happens tomorrow. I won’t know ’til we get there. I have a decentish amount of food in the meantime. Not really worried.

I did ask him yesterday about the whole situation we have and how it’ll change over winter, because reasons, but it’s going to go on as usual, and we’ll just deal with the haul differently than we do now. That was a relief.

I need to get myself under me to make more of my own money. Will I? I don’t know. But I need to.