03 September 2024

I cannot promise when I am going to stop talking about that man, but I imagine it shouldn’t be that far off, at least in terms of what you’d call a regular feature. So I’m going to talk about him again here. Sorry.

Timeline was: Sunday night, unfriended Stuart. Monday, reached out and assured him that I had not canceled him but that I did wish him well. He responded rather quickly for someone “too busy,” going “huh?” because allegedly he’d just been calling around trying to find me a place to crash so I could work on his party’s election campaign in British Columbia — a thing he had SAID we were going to discuss, and he SAID he’d get back in touch with me last Thursday or Friday and then never did. So he didn’t know what the fuck was going on, because I didn’t know what the fuck was going on and had already written it off as Probably A Bad Idea, chiefly because Not Enough Info, because Stuart had decided he was “busy.” Right. But about two seconds later he realized what I’d done and said that he guessed he’d have to call back around and let them know the housing was no longer necessary. I mulled things over and went to write him back and found he’d blocked me. So you saw all that. I gabbed on exhaustively about it yesterday.

Right. Caught up. So today I go over to my political sockpuppet Facebook account and peek over. Don’t ask me why. Masochistic streak, I guess. Sure enough, his one recent public post was talking about him being “canceled” again. Now he didn’t come out and say publicly that I had canceled him. But it would be passing odd if, like, five other people decided to unfriend him the same day I did, and I had already noticed him playing fast and loose with the concept of “cancellation.” It wasn’t hard to do the math. So… being that he’d never friended me on that account or, if he had, he figured out pretty quickly it was me (maybe because I told him?) and dropped it and THEN forgot about it… either way, I commented with a few home truths about the situation. I also informed him that the door was still open a crack, so to speak, but that it would be up to him to walk through it and if he didn’t… well. I doubt he was poised on his account waiting for me to comment. I’m kind of hoping that if he’s decided he’s going to keep being a dick, that enough people saw me speak up before he shut me down. Just because I would feel a little better if they had. Though I don’t know what’s the point, because this is going to end the same way it always does. Man acts like abusive prick, woman bites back, man’s friends side with man even though they just saw him being a prick. The older I get, the better I understand why radfems give up on men. Dramamongering fucking walking sperm banks. And we’re at eight billion now. What’s the fucking point.

I wouldn’t be on this angerfest about him if not for another thing I noticed about him while we were still on good terms: he is one self-centered sonofabitch. He honestly is. What scares the everloving shit out of me is, I was willing to give him a pass for it. I was willing to say, “Oh… nerdboy. No social skills.” Exactly why OTHER PEOPLE allow men like this to get away with shitting on ME. Thank god he slipped and was a dick to me early. Shut that shit RIGHT down. But you should have heard him. I will tell you what: I will be STUNNED if he remembers one goddamned important detail about me whatsoever. He might remember I have a kid who IDs as trans, but that’s one of his current obsessions, and it isn’t really about me. Give it a week and he’ll be pretending he never heard of me. If not sooner. This man wants to be in politics and lead people. Why. Just fucking why.

Okay. Enough of that. Also I both went digging and also got on the scale and I found out two things: (1) my weight in the second week of March was something like 259 pounds and 15 ounces; and (2) my weight this morning was 226.5 pounds. 33-pound loss since March. Curious to know whether I could get to Onederland by the end of the year. Doubt it, but it’d be interesting to find out. Oh, and my fasting sugar was 96 mg/dl. I hadn’t walked the day prior, is probably why. I’d rather see it high eighties. BUT! Doing pretty well.

Meat-sorting was a night late; some weeks it just is. Scutwork will be plentiful this week. Should put me in good stead for when my temp job begins. As it is I’m doing better than I’d had any right to expect since Employer allows up to 50% of your net pay to be advanced to you each pay period. So if this coming Friday is a payday, I’ve fucking got it made.

L will be out of town for a period of time this month and it’ll be a little weird feeding the dogs, but hopefully that will go okay. They’ll just have to be a little later with breakfast than they are used to being. They’ll live.

My brain is just about derailed. I’ll add more later if I remember something.